Higher Yield
The final cost of any metal is largely driven by manufacturing process yield. Conversion of titanium to finished mill products typically requires three to five conditioning steps. Traditional conditioning — whether acid pickling, grinding, machining, milling, bar turning and peeling followed by acid pickling, or Blanchard or wet sheet grinding — is time consuming and removes as waste or low value scrap, large amounts of material.
In essentially any conditioning scenario, the MetCon process reduces yield loss at every step. For example, contrast MetCon's 0.50 – 2% metal removal (98 to >99% step yield) for typical intermediate product conditioning with the 5 – 9% loss (91 to 95% step yield) common with midwest grinding or bar peeling.
Lower yield loss in multiple steps means more metal to sell with virtually no increased manufacturing costs. Try our yield calculator to see what this can mean to your bottom line.